Yoga is an Indian philosophical teaching, which focuses on body and mind. It is interpreted differently andis constantly evolving. To help you find the perfect style of yoga for you, or maybe just a new style you could try on vacation, we're showing you below the 10 most popular and well-known styles of yoga and 5 slightly different forms of yoga you may not have heard of.
Yoga consists of several components, including:
- Asanas (the postures or exercises)
- Pranayama (the breathing exercises, which are to bring body and mind together)
- Pratyahara (the sensing of the senses)
- Dharana (the concentration)
- and Dhyana (the meditation)
All yoga styles combine these components, but focus on them differently. Some styles are very slow and static with long holding of the asanas and strong focus on breathing. Others are very in flow, fast paced with alternating exercises and only very meditative at the end. While everything is united under the term "yoga," yoga styles can vary greatly. Also, each yogi has different demands and expectations of yoga. Especially for beginners, it is difficult to discover the right yoga form for themselves.