Julian Lukanov, André-Michael Beer
February 2022
Fango treatment
Peat & healing mud
Mud packs and baths have been known for centuries for their relaxing and pain-relieving effects.
This in-vitro study deals with the question of whether volcanic mud also contains biologically active substances in addition to the proven physical-thermal effects.
For this purpose, smooth muscle cells from the stomach of guinea pigs were bathed in aqueous fango extract and examined for spontaneous contractile activity (SCA). The addition of fango was shown to activate the cells, presumably by stimulating α2-adreno- and D2-dopamine receptors. Indirect evidence for this was provided by the addition of receptor blockers. These suppressed the stimulating effect.
It can be concluded from the results that volcanic mud contains biologically active substances and that its effect therefore goes beyond physical-thermal effects. The biological-chemical reactions in the body can thus lead to better blood circulation in the tissue.
Back pain
Fango treatment
Mahmoud Abu-Shakra et al.
September 2014
The study shows that mineral-rich compresses with mud from the Dead Sea have a pain-relieving effect on lumbago.
Back pain
Fango treatment
Patrizia Manica et al.
January 2024
The study shows that mud therapy significantly improves pain, stiffness and sleep quality in chronic back pain.