Many of our offers can be canceled free of charge within 72 hours of booking. This is useful if you want to book flights or are waiting for your time off to be approved but you don't want to miss out on a holiday deal. Watch out for this message:
Many of our offers can be canceled free of charge within 72 hours of booking. This is useful if you want to book flights or are waiting for your time off to be approved but you don't want to miss out on a holiday deal. Watch out for this message:
Select your dream trip and check the 72-hour box in the booking form with drop-down "Yes, I'd like 72 hours to consider". As shown here:
From booking you now have 72 hours (3 days) to decide whether you want to take the trip.
a) If you decide to take the trip, you do not have to do anything, your booking automatically retains its legally binding validity.
b) If you decide against taking the trip, you can cancel it within 72 hours from booking free of charge in our login area.