Health vacations or a health vacation on prescription you spend in a hotel with orientation on the healthy nutrition, on fitness or on balancing sports like yoga or Pilates. The hotels have comfortable facilities with three to five stars. You will stay in a single room or alone in a double room during your vacation. The facilities usually have large wellness and fitness areas, which are recreational for body and mind.
If you book an appropriate package, half board or full board are included during your stay. You can also book treatments, massages or sports courses in the package. So you have no additional costs on site. There are various programs for you to choose from to create your individual health vacation.
Additionally, health vacations often offer educational workshops and classes on topics such as stress management, mindfulness, and healthy cooking. These programs are designed to help guests incorporate healthy habits into their daily lives beyond their holiday. Health holidays can also be a great opportunity to meet like-minded individuals who share a passion for health and wellness. Overall, a health holiday can be a rejuvenating and transformative experience for both the body and mind.