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pitta diet tips spadreams

Pitta Dosha: 5 Diet Tips for a Healthy Life

After taking our Dosha quiz, you’ve found out that your dominant dosha is Pitta and you’d like to know how to eat in a way that balances out your energy flows. If you feel heavy, sleepy and have difficulty concentrating, then your body is giving[...]
Kapha diet tips spadreams

Kapha Dosha: 5 Tips for a Healthy Life

Chill, happy and relaxed – when Kapha people are in balance these are the characteristics gleaming from their eyes. The Kapha dosha is made up of earth and water elements, which add stability, calmness, tolerance and security to the personality of[...]
Asian Yoga Retreats spadreams

Top 5 Asian Yoga Retreats with Ayurveda

  What good is yoga if you aren’t eating a healthy diet? Well, probably still quite good, but if your diet could do nutritionally what yoga is doing physically, then you’d be both better at yoga and healthier all round. That’s why our[...]

The Links Between Yoga and Ayurveda

Yoga’s Secret Sister Teaching that No-one Talks About Even though many of us practise yoga, few of us have heard of Ayurveda – a system of holistic healing and sattvic food that originated in the same place and era as yoga – the Indus[...]
10 Essential Facts on Iron

10 Essential Facts About Iron – Wellness Wednesday

Learning about iron, you find that we are quite literally made of stardust – when the sun formed in an explosion, heavy metals and gases flew out around it, one of which was iron, and the heavier materials collected closer to the sun because they[...]
key facts on vitamin D and the best ways to absorb it

10 Key Facts on Vitamin D and the Best Ways to Absorb It

  It’s no wonder that civilisations have been worshipping the sun for millennia. Indeed, an afternoon spent basking in the sun rivals even the most luxurious therapy session. Not only is it important for plant life and the climate, but also[...]
10 best spa hotels in italy

The 10 Best Spa Hotels in Italy

Oriental mud, anti-aging treatments, detoxifying diets and landscapes of incomparable beauty. The spa & thermal hotels of the Italian peninsula offer everything you could dream of for a holiday of relaxation and well-being. Fall in love with the[...]
The 10 Best spa hotels in spain - title picture with blue water and sailing boats in the distance

The 10 Best Spa Hotels in Spain

Thinking of a spa break in Spain that rejuvenates body and mind but not sure which are the best destinations? Well, a holiday at one of the best spa hotels in Spain wouldn’t be the same if it didn’t make the most of Spain’s long, golden sand[...]
Cover photo for 8 best vegan vacations in europe and beyond

8 Best Vegan Vacations in Europe and Beyond

8 Best Vegan Vacations in Europe and Beyond If you’re vegan, you’ll know how frustrating it is when restaurants assume that veganism is synonymous with “diet” and the only thing you can eat are lettuce leaves, nuts and berries. Luckily[...]

The Top 6 Weight Loss Retreats That Will Change Your Life

Looking for a way of losing weight that is much healthier, more effective, longer lasting and more relaxing than dieting alone? Read on to discover 6 of the best weight loss retreats in Europe and Asia, where weight loss methods range from Ayurvedic[...]
3 best spring break destinations

3 Best Spring Break Destinations

3 Best Spring Break Destinations The winter is finally over, hoorah! Days are getting longer, blossom is budding on the trees, BBQs are sizzling on the horizon and most importantly, so are your May holiday plans! A season of fresh starts and rebirth[...]
The Monastery in ancient city of Petra, Jordan

Visit Petra – The Rose City of Jordan

????? ????? – ??? ???? ???? ?? ?????? Visiting Petra and its surrounding Wadi Rum desert is an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Petra, originally known as Ramqu in ancient times, is a historical city located in Jordan’s south[...]
Ayurveda in monsoons image of flowers in the rain

Ayurveda in the Monsoons: 5 Key Benefits

  Throughout the Monsoon: Ayurveda in India If you want to avoid one thing on your trip to South India, then it’s probably the rain. This exotic holiday destinations, like Sri Lanka and other south asian destinations, are most popular between[...]
best spas in greece

Best Spas in Greece

Successful Spa Therapy – 3 of the Best spas in Greece 2018 If you’re struggling to decide where to go in Greece, which greek islands to visit or which spa hotels are for you, don’t worry – we’re here to help you decide! Known as the[...]

Mother’s Day Spa Breaks

Wondering what to get your Mum for Mother’s Day this year? Why not a gift which benefits the both of you – a mother-daughter weekend away at one of our luxury spa retreats. Last minute booking can get you some great flight and hotel deals if you[...]
India's Holi Festival

Holi – India’s Festival of Colours

... what about the authentic Holi festival as celebrated it in its country of origin, India – how much do we know about that? Since it takes place in just a couple of days we’re taking the opportunity to learn a bit more about what gives rise to[...]
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